"...scandals which have undermined investor confidence" —Vadim Okhanov
AM | @agumack
Imperdible solicitada publicada por el Financial Times. Se trata de una carta abierta al emir Sheik Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum sobre los problemas del sistema judicial en Dubai. Lleva la firma de Vadim Okhanov, CEO de la compañía rusa de real estate Greenfield Trading Company. En 2008, los inversores rusos le compraron a Nakheel, una empresa cuasi-pública dedicada al desarrollo de propiedades en el Golfo, la parcela A10F por US$68 millones.
El problema es que había una mezquita en la parcela. Los compradores rusos no habían sido informados de las consecuencias de esta situación: bajo la ley islámica, no se puede vender la tierra en la que funciona una mezquita. Aunque la compra fue anulada, Greenfield no logró recuperar su dinero. En los tribunales, el asunto se trató de manera dudosa a favor de individuos involucrados con el vendedor, y los jueces dieron por cerrada la operación. La Corte de Casación (la Corte Suprema) confirmó el fallo de manera inapelable.
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Al final del día, los inversores rusos quedaron sin cash y sin propiedad. (Puede leer los detalles en este sitio). Damas y caballeros: estamos frente a un ejemplo digno de Montesquieu y de Adam Smith. ¿Qué mensaje reciben los oferentes de crédito en Dubai? ¿Qué haría Usted si fuera acreedor de Greenfield, la compañía desprovista de "land and cash"? ¿Cuál es el costo del capital en países sin tradición de independencia judicial, una vez que se disipa el 'boom' de las materias primas?
False. Vadim Okhanov is a conniving, lying, self-serving man. His investment for Nakheel was brokered through a third company, PREB. He demanded post dated security cheques from the owners of that company for his investment, and then went on to embezzle funds, falsely cash those cheques, change company names, etc, all to avoid the market crash in Dubai it would seem. And all this led to the arrest and imprisonment of two individuals, separation from their families, all so this greedy pig could get richer. And why did he do this? To take revenge, because PREB would not succumb to his demands to reduce his buying price further. This man has perjured himself, and is a shameful representation of Russian investors.
ReplyDeleteFalse. Vadim Okhanov is a conniving, lying, self-serving man. His investment for Nakheel was brokered through a third company, PREB. He demanded post dated security cheques from the owners of that company for his investment, and then went on to embezzle funds, falsely cash those cheques, change company names, etc, all to avoid the market crash in Dubai it would seem. And all this led to the arrest and imprisonment of two individuals, separation from their families, all so this greedy pig could get richer. And why did he do this? To take revenge, because PREB would not succumb to his demands to reduce his buying price further. This man has perjured himself, and is a shameful representation of Russian investors.